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Red Team Assessment

Uncover and fortify against real-world threats with an expert-led Red Team Assessment.

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    Expert Consultants

    We mandate that all of our Penetration Testers hold CREST CRT (Registered Penetration Tester) or OSCP. This standard guarantees that our testers have the required knowledge to complete a quality assessment.

    Free Retesting

    The clear majority of penetration testing companies charge over £1000 a day to retest an environment. Our penetration testing service comes with free retesting for all penetration testing assessments.

    Competitive Rates

    Our penetration testing services are tailored to provide the best solutions at competitive prices, ensuring protection for companies of all sizes. No company should be priced out of security.

    What is Red Team Assessment?

    A Red Team Assessment is an in-depth cyber security simulation designed to test and evaluate an organisation’s defenses. This service isn’t just another security check – it’s a full-scale simulation of a real-world cyber attack, executed by our expert Red Team. Our professionals mimic the strategies of actual attackers, using advanced tactics and techniques to test your defenses. This approach goes far beyond traditional vulnerability scanning, providing you with a true-to-life assessment of how well your organisation can withstand a sophisticated cyber attack.

    How is a Red Teaming Assessment conducted?

    Red teaming requires a structured approach to effectively emulate realistic cyber attacks against an organisation’s security posture. The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a commonly used methodology in red teaming exercises. This framework includes several stages:

    Initial Reconnaissance: Gathering information about the target organisation to identify potential attack vectors. (Get in touch with us for a free surface level OSINT report. This can help identify how an attacker sees your organisation)

    Weaponisation and Delivery: Developing and deploying tools and techniques for the attack.

    Exploitation and Installation: Exploiting vulnerabilities to gain access and establish a foothold.

    Command and Control: Establishing a channel to control and orchestrate the attack.

    Actions on Objectives: Executing the intended goals of the exercise, such as data exfiltration or system compromise.

    Reporting and Debriefing: Documenting the findings and providing actionable insights to improve the organisation’s security posture.

    Common Vulnerabilities found during a Red Team Assessment

    Common Internal Vulnerabilities

    Weak Access Controls
    Lack of Network Segmentation
    Outdated or Unpatched Systems
    Legacy Network Protocols (Netbios, LLMNR)

    Common External Vulnerabilities

    Exposed Services
    Weak Perimeter Defenses
    Vulnerable Web Applications
    Sensitive Data Exposure

    How are Red Team Assessment goals defined?

    Red Team Assessment goals are defined through a collaborative and strategic process that involves both the red team and the client organisation. This process ensures that the assessment aligns with the organisation’s specific security needs and objectives. The process starts with discussions between the red team and key stakeholders in the client organisation. This helps the red team understand the business context, including the organisation’s critical assets, operations, and potential threat landscape.

    The goals when conducting a red team assessment should follow these principles:

    • Identify specific security concerns.
    • Be realistic on the defined goals.
    • Establishing success criteria.

    Typically an organisation will want to assess employee security awareness, test physical security protocols and identify vulnerabilities in critical systems

    What are the benefits of a Red Team Assessment?

    Red Teaming Assessments offer numerous benefits. They reveal real-world vulnerabilities in systems, processes, and human responses that might be overlooked by standard security tests.

    They also help organisations understand the effectiveness of their current security measures, enhance their response strategies to real attacks, and train their staff to be more aware of security threats. Ultimately, Red Teaming Assessments help strengthen an organisation’s overall security posture and resilience against cyber threats.

    What is the difference between a Red Team Assessment and a penetration test?

    Although Red Team Assessments and Penetration Tests share similarities, they differ significantly in scope and approach. Penetration testing is a focused, often technical examination of specific components or vulnerabilities within an organisation’s security infrastructure. It typically involves a more limited scope, where testers explore predefined areas or systems to identify vulnerabilities.

    On the other hand, Red Team Assessments offer a broader, more comprehensive evaluation. They simulate real-world attack scenarios to test an organisation’s overall defense capability, including both digital and physical security. Red Team Assessments often incorporate social engineering tactics and aim to mimic the behavior of actual attackers as closely as possible. This approach provides a more holistic view of an organisation’s vulnerabilities, extending beyond mere technical exploits to include human factors and operational weaknesses.

    Get in touch for a consultation.

    Contact a consulting team member by phone, email, or pigeon post. We will then discuss whether we can help you and arrange a scoping meeting to discuss your requirements.

    In the scoping meeting, our team will discuss your requirements in further detail. Our team will ask questions in regards to the following:

    We send your company a Project Proposal

    Our expert consultants will discuss and finalise which digital assets you need testing in the scoping meeting. Based on the requirements, we will then assemble a project proposal and quote and agree on a schedule for conducting the security assessment. Our proposal document will include the following information:

    We start the Penetration Testing

    The Penetration Testing starts. A member of our Penetration Testing team will liaise with a member of your company throughout the entire testing process. You will be the first to know if we have any questions or concerns. Our testing team will be on hand throughout the penetration test lifecycle to answer any questions or concerns. Our tester will:

    You receive your Report and Remediate Issues

    A Penetration Test is useless without a well-written report. Our reports are written in plain English, concise, and thoroughly documented. The Penetration Test Report is typically furnished within 5 days after the testing phase is complete. If you are interested in seeing an example report, please contact our team.

    Each report details the following:

    We test the remediation efforts and update the Report

    At Sencode, we offer free retesting for every Penetration Test we conduct. You fix the issues; then we will verify they can no longer be exploited by an attacker. Our team will arrange a mutually suitable time to conduct the retest, after the remediation efforts have taken place. Our tester will follow these steps:

    Deliver a Security Testing Certificate

    Our clients receive a testing certificate that can be shared with partners and customers, showing that their company takes security seriously. The certificate and document are designed to be easily digested by third-party suppliers, the document removes the technical details and can be safely distributed.

    The Security Testing Certificate is available on request, after the retest has been complete. The security certificate shows:

    Get in touch for a consultation.

    Contact a consulting team member by phone, email, or pigeon post. We will then discuss whether we can help you and arrange a scoping meeting to discuss your requirements.

    In the scoping meeting, our team will discuss your requirements in further detail. Our team will ask questions in regards to the following:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How much does a Red Team Assessment cost in the UK?

    The cost of a Red Team Assessment in the UK can vary widely based on several factors, such as the scope, complexity, and location:

    Scope of the Assessment: The broader the scope, encompassing more systems, networks, physical locations, and social engineering aspects, the higher the cost. A comprehensive assessment across a large organisation will naturally be more expensive. If the assessment involves a physical assessment, this will likely push the costs up much higher due to the complexities involved (Hotels for the testers etc).
    Duration of the Engagement: Longer assessments require more resources and time from the red team, leading to higher costs. A typical engagement can last a few weeks.
    Complexity of the Environment: Organisations with complex IT infrastructures, including cloud services, multiple physical locations, and various integrated systems, may face higher costs due to the increased complexity of the assessment.
    Expertise and Reputation of the Service Provider: Renowned cyber security firms with a track record of successful red team operations may charge more for their services. The expertise and experience of the team are crucial for a thorough and effective assessment.
    Customisation and Specific Requirements: Any specific requirements, like targeting certain types of threats or focusing on particular areas of the business, can also affect the cost.

    Given the above factors, the cost for a Red Team Assessment in the UK can range from a few thousand pounds for smaller, more focused engagements, to tens of thousands of pounds.

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