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Month: March 2021

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The Most Common TCP Ports And Their Services

The Most Common TCP Ports and Their Services When looking at the output of a port scan, many hackers will know which service many of them correspond to. However, this does not necessarily show how common these ports are. This post highlights which ports are ACTUALLY most common on the internet and the services they … Read more

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What Is Clickjacking?

Clickjacking is a generally misunderstood security vulnerability that is often difficult to explain and understand. The attack itself has been around for some time now; the term comes from a portmanteau of the words “click” and “hijacking.” But what is clickjacking?

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Sencode Test & Teach

Each piece of the cyber security puzzle for your organisation is important. At Sencode, we believe the best way to combat the surge in cybercrime is to use an innovative method we call ‘Test and Teach’.