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Mobile App Security

When developing a mobile app it is important to implement security from the outset. Future additions or alterations may not be cost-effective and can dramatically increase the risk of users having their data stolen. Mobile security is one of the most overlooked parts of cyber security and many applications are built with no considerations about … Read more

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Signing Your Life Away?

Have you been signing your life away? Remember those Terms and Conditions that nobody ever read? You know, the ones that we always used to see when we were downloading an app or signing up to subscribe to something? Sure, you do!

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The Most Common TCP Ports And Their Services

The Most Common TCP Ports and Their Services When looking at the output of a port scan, many hackers will know which service many of them correspond to. However, this does not necessarily show how common these ports are. This post highlights which ports are ACTUALLY most common on the internet and the services they … Read more

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What Is Clickjacking?

Clickjacking is a generally misunderstood security vulnerability that is often difficult to explain and understand. The attack itself has been around for some time now; the term comes from a portmanteau of the words “click” and “hijacking.” But what is clickjacking?

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Sencode Test & Teach

Each piece of the cyber security puzzle for your organisation is important. At Sencode, we believe the best way to combat the surge in cybercrime is to use an innovative method we call ‘Test and Teach’.

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Corporate Hacking Surges

Corporate hacking surges are becoming more frequent. Work-from-home policies have contributed to a large surge in hacking against corporations. Many staff have made the transition to working from their homes amidst the global covid-19 pandemic. As a result we are seeing malicious activity more than double in many countries.

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Tools for penetration testing

We all know that skilled hackers are only as good as the tools they use – whether they are self-made or widely available to download, professionals rely on tools to speed up tests and complete tasks which would otherwise not be humanly possible (such as exploit’s with race conditions, for example). So, here they are; Sencode Cyber Security’s top 5 hacking tools as of February 2021.

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Are Smart Cards Secure?

What is Near Field Communication(NFC)? NFC as a technology works in a very similar way to Crystal Radio. It is a method of receiving and processing radio signals. NFC adds another level to this which transmits from point to point using the power gained from these signals. This allows for two devices to communicate completely … Read more

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9 Million customers data stolen from EasyJet

Earlier today, on the 19th of May 2020 we found out that 9 million customers have had some of their personal information stolen from EasyJet. The extent of this hack at the moment seems to be that 2200 people have had their credit card details stolen and have been notified, although we expect further developments … Read more