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Cyber Kill Chain

Definition: The Cyber Kill Chain is a model developed by Lockheed Martin that outlines the stages of a cyber attack, from initial reconnaissance to the accomplishment of the attack's goal (typically data exfiltration or system compromise). It serves as a framework for understanding the sequence of events involved in a cyber intrusion and for developing preventive and defensive strategies.

What is a cyber kill chain?

The Cyber Kill Chain framework breaks down an attack into seven stages: reconnaissance, weaponisation, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control (C2), and actions on objectives. By analysing each stage, security professionals can identify and disrupt the attack process, ideally before attackers achieve their ultimate goals.

This model helps create layered defensive strategies that address threats at each chain step. Although the chain has been widely adopted and praised for its structured approach to security, it has also faced criticism for its linear progression model, which does not always represent the fluid nature of cyber attacks.

What is weaponization in a cyber kill chain?

Weaponization is the second stage in the cyber kill chain. At this point, the attacker has gathered enough information on their target to begin thinking about how to exploit identified weaknesses. At this stage, attackers will start creating malware to use against the target.

How can it improve security?

A cyber kill chain can improve security by helping us understand the typical structure of a cyber attack. With this knowledge, we can develop effective defence strategies to combat cyber threats at each stage. It also allows us to enhance incident response capabilities by recognising where in the chain an attack can be disrupted or even prevented.

What is an example of a cyber kill chain?

An example of the weaponization stage in the cyber kill chain is when attackers customise malware to bypass antivirus software. Another example of this stage could be when they create phishing emails with weaponized attachments to exploit user vulnerabilities.

In the delivery stage, an example would be when an attacker sends spear phishing emails with weaponized attachments to a target. Another example could be when the attacker exploits a vulnerability in a network software to obtain unauthorised access and deliver malware.

Key Characteristics:

  • Proactive Defense: Provides a structure for identifying potential threats and tactics before an attack is successful.
  • Step-by-Step Analysis: Enables detailed examination of an attacker’s progress through successive stages.
  • Strategic Countermeasures: Helps in developing targeted defensive strategies at each stage of the intrusion.
  • Disruptive Tactics: Aims to disrupt or halt the attack process at any point along the chain.


  • Real-World Example: A company applies the model to strengthen its email filters and user training after identifying that phishing emails are the primary attack delivery method for spear-phishing campaigns.
  • Hypothetical Scenario: An attacker conducting a ransomware campaign is thwarted during the weaponisation stage due to robust endpoint security software, preventing the delivery and subsequent encryption of the target’s data.

Related Terms:

  • Reconnaissance: The first step in the chain, where attackers gather information about their targets.
  • Advanced Persistent Threat (APT): A category of threat that often follows a similar progression to the Cyber Kill Chain, involving long-term, strategic assaults on specific targets.
  • Indicator of Compromise (IoC): Evidence on a computer or network that indicates a potential breach of security, which can be identified at various stages of the chain.

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